Technology Hides the Existence of Data


The recent debates about privacy and Big Brother are focusing on the fact that technology hides the existence of data. In other words, technology hides the truth. As we know, Big Brother is coming. It’s the end of the age and everything must change.

Is it really our problem if this happens? 

For starters, let’s consider why the computer industry so desperately wants to hide all of your data. The primary reason is because that is profitable. Companies that make you pay for everything you do – for the use of your computer – make more money than those that don’t. That means that they want to maximize their profits by knowing as much as possible about you. That information includes what sites you visit, what applications you run, and who else lives in your neighborhood. 

So now you know that companies want to monitor your activity.

But why does this bother you? If I’m watching you, then that’s none of your business. You’re just wasting your time. However, if a company is watching you all the time, that can be considered an invasion of privacy and therefore, there’s really no justification to it. 

However, you might feel differently if you were to travel back in time. In that case, the very same technology that companies use to watch you is what is driving you around in circles. While GPS tracking may seem harmless, it also adds a tremendous amount of expense and complexity to your life. Plus, it’s illegal in most states for someone to track you without your consent. 

However, think about this for a second.

Why is your tax dollar going towards these programs? Why are government agencies buying private information from companies like Verizon and AT&T? Why are government agencies collecting information from every single citizen in the country in order to use it against them in the future? If you really care about privacy at all, it makes sense for you to stop this madness and fight for a truly free and open internet. 

I know that some people are uncomfortable with technology.

They see it as threatening and controlling. I only have one question to ask these days: what do you have to lose? If you truly care about your freedom and the future of this country, then I want you to fight for privacy and freedom and do everything in your power to defend it.