Setting New High-Tech City In Southern Malaysia


The new cyberjaya city in Malaysia is fast developing into one of the major technological hubs in Asia. Exotic Cyberjaya Island is offering a great range of attractions for visitors to experience such as its fantastic natural beauty, the rich culture of the people and arts, education & research facilities, business opportunities and much more. Its location makes it a great tourist spot to visit. Also, the influx of many multinational companies that have headquarters in the area.

Has made it a thriving town in terms of business

Cyberjaya Island is located on reclaimed land which was previously the property of the British during their colonization of Malaysia. There are two national monuments in Cyberjaya, namely the Cyber Composite Forest which includes an open-air movie studio, and Cyber National Park which is a nature reserve. This city also boasts of an extensive network of roads and railways that links it to other cities and towns. Also, the civil infrastructure is very advanced and modern in comparison to other cities in Malaysia. 

Majority of the population is made up of the people

Who came over from the olden days of peninsular Malaysia and then set-off to settle in other parts of the country such as Singapore, Goa and even China. The town grew in its popularity and is now a popular destination for tourists from all over the world. There are numerous cyber cafes in the city where you can converse with locals and enjoy the cyber cafe experience while getting rid of the modern conveniences. The most prominent landmark in Cyberjaya is the Cyber Towers, which is taller than the tallest buildings in the United States. There are several shopping malls, cinemas, educational and cultural centers as well as government offices around the area. 

A large number of multinational companies

Have set-up operations in cyber cafes in the new high-tech city of Cyberjaya attracting thousands of employees from all around the world. With the increasing demand for the services offered by the cyber cafe, the business of Cyberjaya has grown tremendously giving the residents plenty of job opportunities. With more people living in the Cyberjaya area, the prices of properties are also very much lower compared to other areas in Malaysia. There are many real estate agents who are available in the town that can help to assist interested buyers to get hold of the perfect cyber cafe for their condos and villas in Cyberjaya. 

With the increasing presence of the multinational companies in the cybercafe industry

More schools are offering lessons in cyber technology to cater to the education needs of the young workforce in the town. The town has also invested a large amount in various business industries that give it a boost economically. With the increase in the number of visitors to the cyber cafe areas, the number of hotels and resorts in the town has also increased significantly making the town an attractive option for tourists from the entire world. The new high-tech city of cyberjaya is proving to be the new trend setter in Malaysia as well as the whole world and established as the most efficient means to live and work. 

With the recent announcement of the Cyberjaya project by the Malaysian Government

the sky is the limit for the cyber cafe industry here in Cyberjaya. With the growing demand for the services provided by the cyber cafes, the industry will continue to expand giving the residents of Cyberjaya many jobs to choose from. With the high quality services that the cyber cafes provide, it is not surprising that the industry will continue to grow and flourish in the new year in the cyber cafe sector of cyberjaya. With the new economy policy of the new government in Malaysia, the cybercafe industry will be able to grow and flourish in the new year, giving the residents of Cyberjaya the opportunity to enjoy working in the cyber cafe environment while earning good money.