Science fiction writers have predicted many tech inventions before they actually exist, from tablets to 3D printers. They’ve even foreseen the idea of space ships. Recently, tech idea revivals included wearable tech like the Apple Watch. And just like the predictions of futuristic technology were made before they even existed, some tech ideas have been revived by the imagination of a genius. A panel discussion at Comic-Con, San Diego, brought together top technology executives, Mensa members, and authors to discuss future technology.
The 2021 Symposium will celebrate these emerging tech ideas for libraries. This year, the symposium will feature national speakers who have successfully taken emerging tech into new territories within their library systems. Speakers will demonstrate the value of big ideas, a village, and focus in moving forward with technology-driven social change. The symposium will also highlight recent successes in tech ideas and showcase future challenges. In addition to the keynote speakers, a panel of judges will review the finalist projects and discuss strategies to achieve the visions of future generations.
Some of the companies that have emerged as a result of successful tech ideas include Appsme, which is an online app builder that makes high-end technology accessible to smaller companies. Another example is CEL, a product development company in Bristol, which raised almost PS300,000 in a Kickstarter campaign to develop a 3D printing device called Robox 3D. The company has a long way to go before reaching its full potential, but it is a promising start.

While embracing tech ideas can be very exciting, it is important to remember that if the technology fails, it is likely to crash. And as with any new technology, it’s essential for successful companies to capitalize on the latest trends in order to avoid losing market share. However, success depends on walking a fine line between hype and reality. Many of the most popular tech ideas are nothing more than fads, while a tiny percentage actually lead to major breakthroughs.
The panelists also discussed science-fiction-inspired technology. Though all of these technologies are still in the early stages of development, they’re expected to be widely used in the near future. The author James Rankin believes “Ready Player One” was a forerunner to a world of immersive CGI and virtual reality. The storyline in “Ready Player One” allows its characters to dive deep into a virtual reality world. In addition to VR and other immersive experiences, the technology also has a wide range of uses in entertainment and sports.
Another emerging tech idea is smart dust. Essentially, this type of microcomputer is invisible to the human eye. It could be a privacy nightmare for individuals. However, legislators are already working to strengthen data privacy laws in the U.S. The problem with data sensors this small is that they are difficult to control. Smart dust’s greatest advantage is its tiny size. It could be a privacy nightmare if data can be misused. But if it works, it could revolutionize the way we live and work.