While most tech ideas have potential for commercialization, they usually fall flat. Many fail to meet expectations, and end up being overhyped. Here are some examples of tech ideas that have found success. Internet devices like smartphones and tablets. There’s a huge market for these devices in North America and elsewhere. But how do you market them and make money? Here are some tips to help you find tech ideas that are destined to make money.
Research on potential technologies. Using a survey, the Technology Executive Council surveyed 95 leading executives in the field. The results were categorized into most and least viable big tech ideas. Read on to learn more about the most promising technology ideas of the coming decade. The survey reveals a surprising number of ideas, so be prepared to be surprised. These are only a few of the many possibilities out there. If you have a tech-savvy friend or colleague, they’re likely to have some great tech ideas.
The Engine is looking for big, bold ideas that will benefit society and solve societal problems. The Red Bull Basement Global Final is March 24-27 in Istanbul, Turkey, and will feature keynote speakers, workshops, and mentors. Teams will collaborate to develop tech ideas and pitch them to a panel of judges. They’ll choose from eight sustainability categories, and focus on a specific tech idea in that category. They’ll focus on a specific topic, such as energy, life sciences, or advanced manufacturing.

Another tech idea to consider is the repair of smartphones. While most people have access to smartphones today, it’s easy to find them broken or damaged. People who don’t have the knowledge to fix them will pay you to get them fixed. Whether you have a background in repair or are a computer wizard, offering your services can be a profitable way to make money. You’ll also be able to sell refurbished phones. The money you make from these ventures will come in handy later in life.
Libraries can take these emerging tech ideas into new territory. One such initiative is The Engine, a startup accelerator and venture capital firm. During the Pandemic, libraries responded quickly by embracing technology to change their services. Throughout the symposium, national speakers will share their success stories and discuss their strategies for implementing these tech ideas in their libraries. It’s an exciting time for libraries to get involved! And don’t forget to share your successes and challenges with the other attendees!
A new technology that’s already being tested on humans is the smart phone. The device is capable of changing the volume and language of a computer’s microphone. It can also respond to other people’s voice. For example, Alexa can detect a person’s idioms based on where they live. The technology can even be used to make a call. Despite all the potential for technology, these are still just a few of the tech ideas currently being tested.